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My child's first trip to the dentist

Dental Shop Staff Writer | May 26, 2016

As children develop their first set of baby teeth, parents are left wondering when they should make the first trip to a dentist. Should you bring your child to the dentist as soon as you see their first tooth, as soon as their first birthday approaches, or later on down the road when they have developed more teeth and engage in riskier behaviors, such as sucking on their thumb or bottle at night?


It doesn't hurt to start your child's dental checkups early if you feel that they are ready. The advantage to earlier dentist office visits is the opportunity to create a positive first experience at a younger age, which will mold a level of comfort and understanding for future visits. The average age, gathered from multiple sources such as the American Dental Association as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics, seems to be between one and three years of age. Parents are to decide what makes them most comfortable as their child grows and develops.


Going to a kid-friendly dentist is also important for a child's first visit. Not every dentist can provide the comfort, patience and attention that a child's first dentist appointment requires. To ensure that your first trip to the dentist is a positive one, visit the Dental Insurance Shop today to find dental coverage for you and your family with plans that provide same day or next day coverage. We even offer dental insurance plans that can help with the cost of braces in the future.

Category: Child Dental